our benefit
why we are better
Medy Stream is an integrated image management system for the operating theatre which simplifies the acquisition and the diffusion of multiple imaging.
Medy Stream facilitates instantaneous audio-visual contact and the utilization of specialized medical services among medical experts. With the help of the Medy Stream, medical professionals, and teams may not only effortlessly record procedures, but also broadcast them live and in high definition to any location in the globe that has access to the World Web.

Medy Stream functions flawlessly in a clinical setting and in Medical education. Medy Stream promises a simple, quick, and effective answer for all OR lives surgical videos or recorded cases, regardless of how complex they may be, including open heart surgery, angioplasty, and many more.
Medy Stream may be controlled remotely by anyone, from any location in the world, using either their personal computer or a tablet device. It is the first and foremost tool that provides physicians with the option of storing their content on their own server or in the cloud.
How does it work?
A fully autonomous, intuitive, and tactile AV interface provides the medical team with complete control of live transmissions.
A robotic camera that can be controlled remotely gives surgeons the ability to film any sequence in the operating room at any time and magnify it to the appropriate level. The surgeons can do any live procedure with greater autonomy since all video sources, including those from pre-installed robotized cameras and medical monitors (angiograms, hemodynamics, IVUs, etc.), can be captured concurrently.
Our Features

Medy Stream is a sophisticated live case transmission tool that facilitates real-time interaction between surgical suites and remote specialists, students, and other in learning, advising, and managing procedures.

clients can access real-time data without compromising security. Medy Stream contains numerous high-resolution video streams , such as cameras, microscopes, endoscopes, and surgical robots in an operating room.

Medy Stream is compatible with medical cameras, microscopes, endoscopes, C-arms, surgical robots, and other medical video devices, both in 2D and 3D. compatible with medical equipment ,such as Philips, GG and Siemens, and others.